~ Lately, I've felt the need to start a blog. I wanted to start a blog about so many things: new recipes, artwork that I love, books, articles, and quotes I've read. I write in a journal, sometimes daily, sometimes not for months at a time. Mostly, I write because I'm distraught or need to work something out in my head. But I've decided I could incorporate all of those things into one central theme: What inspires ME. What is it that gives me those "AHA!" moments? Something, (no doubt that has probably always been there comes leaping in my direction), just for me to discover, something to call my own, and give me insight. I suppose I want to make those moments more my own by putting them out there in a public forum.
Right now, I am reading a really great book on the subject of "The House of Belonging". In my current situation, I have no job, I'm living at my parents' house, and my love-life seems to always be in a state of limbo. Everyone needs a place to belong.. and right now, I am trying to find what means for me. This state of transition can be more fruitful if I share it with someone.
I'm always looking for a new perspective and I have probably read more self-help books than I would like to admit. People who've made writing their artform, to make sense of their experiences on earth, I always hope will shed light on my own experiences. The past few days, I've started reading a book, Moving On, by Sarah Ban Breathnach. A writer known for letting all of her "aha" moments as well as her not so graceful moments, very public. "Writing these moments down transforms gratitude from a spiritual sensibility to a personal knowledge, experience you can really trust," she writes. She encourages her readers to do exactly what has made her seem like the friend we never had, what has made her famous. She asks us to write. One can't truely be grateful until one experiences these moments... writing them down actualizes them on another level. Moments are not marked by minutes, hours, days, months, or years...rather they are marked by everything that is fleeting in between. She lets her readers know what "The House of Belonging" means for her, by going through every house she has ever lived in and sharing her moments of belonging, (or not,) in each one of them.
Why not research and share what makes me feel like I belong? And then why not use that to begin leading a more fulfilling life?
Look at me. I made the first comment! Ditty :)